When it comes to final mixes, you'll hear varying opinions on how to creating a "final mix". Some producers want the lows, mids, and highs to be exact before going to mastering. Others take a more conservative approach and leave minor, overall adjustments in the mastering phase. Also, some prefer final mixes to have a 80% to 90% commercial volume before mastering. While there are some who prefer their final mixes to be in the -12db range with very little overall compression. For most of us in the field, we tend to go with what we know if it works. For me, I tend to fall into that conservative category when it comes to eq'ing final mixes and the same holds true for volume. I like this technique because it makes the mastering process much easier. Now, I could go into the details of making solid final mixes but that will give me a great topic for next weeks blog. As for final mixes, don't beat your head up against the wall if your final mixes are not turning out the way you want. Give us a call today, we're always happy to provide helpful tips.
Chris and Kevin
Digital Street Studio
20 East Division Street
Dover, Delaware
Digital Street Studio is a full service production facility specializing in all aspects of media production
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