Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Peak of "Perfection"?

Is it my imagination or is the music industry setting standards that can't be duplicated. What do I mean by that? Musical artist are releasing material that is "Perfect". Well, it's 99.9% perfect. That is after spending thousands of dollars, editing, shifting, pitch correcting, beat mapping, multi-tracking, compressing, eq'ing and completly removing the human element. What you're left with is a ridiculous standard that could never be dupilcated live. Which is the main reason we're seeing more and more performers lip singing. Engineers now can take phrases that are perfectly in time, cut and paste for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, until your left with the "perfect" song. Well, there's only one problem......it's not perfect! WHAT! NOT PERFECT? Thats right, it's not perfect. What makes music perfect is the imperfection. Occasionally hearing imperfections in a song is a human element. The same human element I would hear when performed live. I think many of us expect and welcome those imperfections. More so than something that sounds like a robot. Being in the recording industry, we hear about changes and see trends sometimes before they occure. I think what is coming in the very near future is the return of the human element and an end to...."Perfection". Hope to see you soon in the studio.

Chris and Kevin
Digital Street Studio
Dover, Delaware

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