Some of you may getting ready to start your next recording project and find yourself at a crossroads. Should you enter the studio, where you know you're going to incur cost? Or, make the investment in your own audio gear? Well, I'm here to offer some advice.....DON'T DO IT!! Unless you're willing to spend a few thousand dollars, plus thousands of hours learning what it takes to record and produce your own music, leave it to professionals. Yes, I know some will say "well, you own a studio, of course you want the business". My response...."without a doubt". However, I speak from experience. I lived through the learning curve that many of you will not finish. Just because you've purchase your own recording gear does not mean you're anywhere near ready to produce quality mixes. Instead, treat your music like a business. Budget your money and have a plan from start to finish. If other musicians are involved, make sure everyone is ready to enter the studio. Being prepared will save time which equals money.
Chris and Kevin
Digital Street Studio
& Media Productions
Dover, Delaware
Serving, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.